IX #031 — The Experience Newsletter

Nov 20, 2020

A weekly grackle-eyed scry into the best news, scholarship, case studies and more from the ever-evolving world of experience.

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Behind this color treatment lurks the boundless banality of beige. Can you feel it?

I. The proprioceptional side effects of objects becoming an extension of you.

II. Powell’s is releasing a fragrance that captures that lascivious “independent bookstore” smell. Mmmm…

III. ComplexLand hypes the same open-world experience of navigating their regular convention, food trucks and all.

IV. This dude took the “Blind, Alone, and Confused for 24 Hours Challenge” to save the rest of us the trouble. Thanks!

V. The boundless banality of beige: a rant.

VI. Rituals, before and after space.

VII. Team of seasoned “Eatertainment” pros to Launch Innovative Experiential Dining brand post-COVID.

VIII. What Day of the Dead tells us about the Aztec philosophy of happiness.

IX. Roblox to host its first fully immersive and interactive virtual concert, complete with live Q&A with the artist Lil Nas X.

Grackle is an experience design studio and consultancy specializing in designing immersive experiences that meld people with products, places, brands, and each other. Get in touch




An experience design studio and consultancy specializing in experiences that meld people with products, places, and brands.